
a place for women who cherish the Torah

Archive for teenage rebellion

A Changed Heart

by adriahbartos

Worldliness and lawlessness is incredibly apparent when we look into the lives of teenagers and adolescents these days. But let’s make it a little more personal…take me for instance. Starting about when I turned 13, my life provided a whirlwind of pressures that, I can see now, I wasn’t ready for. Beginning my thirteenth year, I had my Bat Mitzvah that I previously worked diligently for with hours of study. Now, you would think after all that Torah and prayer study I would be strong in my faith, right? Well, I somehow felt like the Messianic path we were going down was a contradiction to the Christian practices we were engaged in a few years ago, and deep in my heart I felt this change wasn’t for me. As a conclusion to that…I took my Torah studies to heart, finished all I needed to learn, and then washed my hands of it. It is awful to say, but very true.

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