
a place for women who cherish the Torah

Archive for First Fruits of Zion

Identity & One Torah Review, Part 3

by torahgirl

“We show our identity not by elaborate descriptions but by our acts of obedience.”
-Tim Hegg

Session 3 (finally!) introduced the premise of Divine Invitation. Tim’s definition of DI is “a new theological teaching about how Jews and non-Jews have different ways of relating to G-d’s commandments, propounded by First Fruits of Zion, specifically.” DI combines positions of traditional Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism {from Judaism: having legal Jewish status means you must keep the Torah; from Christianity: non-Jews have no obligation to keep the Torah}, resulting in a comfortable middle ground where both Christians and Jews are happy.

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Glimpses of the Holy Land

by torahgirl

My sister and I met the Froese girls in Wisconsin last year during First Fruits of Zion’s Shavuot conference. Tara, Amy, and Rachel Marie are in Israel with their family right now, and I’ve been enjoying following their trip online! I’ve linked to their journals below so you can take a look. These stories and pictures bring back so many memories! Visiting the Holy Land is an experience I think everyone should have at least once in their lifetime. I’m still waiting for one of my friends to move there so I can come stay (hint –> Danielle). 🙂

Tara’s journalgodsgirl711

Amy’s journaljustlikeamy

Rachel Marie’s journallittlelamb95


The Importance of Being… Obedient

“We want all our brothers and sisters in Messiah to understand G-d’s commandments, learn about them, know them, and then follow his spirit as they consider implementing the Torah way of life.”
Boaz Michael
Founder and director, First Fruits of Zion
“First Fruits of Zion: our mission and message,” Messiah Journal, issue 103

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Pesach: Final Steps

by torahgirl

Passover begins on Monday night March 29, 2010 – less than a week to go! Are you ready for the seder? Have you cleansed your home of physical leaven and your heart of spiritual sin?! Like Shabbat, Passover requires preparation to fully participate in one of G-d’s appointed times.

Here’s some educational pre-passover reading:

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