
a place for women who cherish the Torah

Minchah Prayers for Tisha B’Av

by torahgirl

“O HaShem, our G-d, console the mourners of Zion and the mourners of Jerusalem, and the city that is mournful, ruined, scorned, and desolate: mournful without her children, ruined without her abodes, scorned without her glory, and desolate without inhabitant. She sits with covered head like a barren woman who never gave birth. Legions have devoured her, and idolaters have conquered her; they have cast Your people Israel to the sword and wantonly murdered the devout servants of the Supreme One. Therefore, Zion weeps bitterly and Jerusalem raises her voice. My heart, my heart – it aches for their slain! My innards, my innards – they ache for their slain! For You HaShem, with fire You consumed her and with fire You will rebuild her, as it is said: ‘I will be for her, the words of HaShem, a wall of fire around and I will be glorious in her midst.’ Blessed are You, HaShem, Who consoles Zion and rebuilds Jerusalem.

-Artscroll Complete Siddur, p. 241

1 Comment»

  Battzion12 wrote @

Amen! I’ve been reading Zechariah and Psalms 74, 80, and 83 today, all about calling on G-d to remember His covenant and bring the counsel of Israel’s enemies to nothing. He does that. He is so faithful. “Then the L-D will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights in the day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem…” (Zechariah 14: 3-4)

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