
a place for women who cherish the Torah

{Modest} Summer Girls

by torahgirl

Last week, we went on a “summer skirts” expedition, visiting a few thrift stores to see what we could find. It was fun and productive! Modesty is important all the time, of course, but it can be especially difficult in warm weather… so I’ve compiled a list below to help us prepare for the summer season. Add a comment below if you have any other suggestions!

Long summer skirts

Goodwill | the best place to find good quality skirts for a few dollars | Price: $3.79

Hancock Fabrics | our local fabric store has several long tiered skirts on sale, in bright summer colors | Price: $12-15

Marshalls | worth checking to find a “name brand for less” | Price: $15-20

Steinmart | the Matthews store has some great deals right now | Price: $15-30

J. Jill | beautiful long linen skirts | Price: $59-79

Talbots | a couple of stylish long linen skirts | Price: $79-99

Clothing Basics

Land’s End | | known for durability

J. Jill | | favorite layering piece – the perfect tank

Shade Clothing | | so pretty – love it all!

Funky Frum | | super-modest + stylish

Hapari | | comfortable half-tees

General Inspiration

Christa Taylor’s Blog | | mission: to encourage and challenge fellow Empowered Traditionalists, providing helpful information on feminine appeal, modesty and our mission beyond business

Shade Clothing Blog | | mission: to create clothes that help women to feel comfortable and happy, while promoting fashion and modesty

Feelin Feminine | | mission: to encourage, inspire, and challenge young ladies to rediscover the treasure of dressing in a feminine manner

Modernly Modest | | mission: to share my modest fashion tips, suggestions and advice so that you can enjoy the feeling of dressing modestly

Fearlessly Feminine | Joanna posted this quote, originally from an orthodox rabbi’s wife:

“The Almighty, in His great Wisdom, has provided us with the laws of Tzniut, variously translated as modesty, privacy. Better yet, tzniut is the de-emphasis of the outer self that enables the essential self to emerge. Practically speaking, this means that our behavior in speech, dress, and in the way we carry ourselves should convey the message to ourselves primarily and to others secondarily that I need to be attractive and not attracting. Attracting undue attention to my physical self proclaims that the totality of my person inheres in the physical presentation, that what you see is what you get. In contrast, when I am private and modest in my demeanor and to the extent I expose only that which is appropriate, my statement is that my body, important as it is, is no more than a vehicle for my essence. I am making the statement that it is indeed my character, my personality, my attributes which are the expression of the image of God in which I am created.”


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  eshetkayil wrote @

The Hapari half-tees and -tanks are GREAT. Lots of fun to wear, too. 😉

I really like this quote from Fearlessly Feminine. Wish I could be more like that. It’s so easy to “attract undue attention to my physical self”. :-S

  mashiki wrote @

I’m in love with the Hapari shores half-tanks too! Why didn’t I find out about these sooner?! I also can’t say enough about Christa Taylor’s blog – it’s chock-full of ideas, inspiration and encouragement for the modern (yet modest) woman. Fabulous site.
Joanna puts it so well when she reminds us to “be attractive and not attracting.” I like that.

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