
a place for women who cherish the Torah

Archive for Shabbat

It’s That Time of Year

by torahgirl

Peace amid chaos.

That’s what I keep coming back to this season. You know, I used to love the chaos. I used to revel in the “Christmas Spirit” of gifts and parties. I sense the difference in my heart this year, total indifference to what is happening in the world of commerce. Holiday spending is up 3% this year, I heard today… but that statistic doesn’t include me. Life continues peacefully {well… as peaceful as can be when one is getting married in 2 months} {grin} yet the world “outside” seems like it’s spinning out of control, with frantic last-minute shopping, holiday baking, travel, etc.

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If there’s a will, there’s a way

by torahgirl

This past Shabbat was unusual for me.

My fiancé and I were on a trip, which made our Shabbat observance somewhat different than usual. I wanted to share the story, in order to recognize G-d’s provision as well as to encourage others who might find themselves in a similar situation.

We arrived in Dallas, TX on Friday afternoon, well before sundown, and when it was time for candlelighting, we found a quiet place to perform kiddush {the “sanctification” of Shabbat} – a place that was out of the way yet still easily noticed, since the large group of people around us were not Torah-observant. We were able to bring Shabbat candlesticks, white taper candles, and matches with us, along with our kiddush card, but had to improvise the bread and wine with gluten-free crackers and apple juice {is this acceptable? Yes, although the blessing over wine should be changed from “borei p’ri hagafen/Who creates the fruit of the vine” to “shehakol nih’yeh bid’varo/Who made all things exist through His Word”}.

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Lighting the Candles

by torahgirl

“She stands silently for only a moment, stares at the glistening silver candlesticks and then at the cups of clear yellow oil and cotton wicks. She takes a deep breath. Sparks fly into the air as she strikes a match. Her hand first reaches out to the candlestick on the right, as she lights her candles, one by one. The room around her is tranquil and still, with her children standing behind her with big glowing eyes. Even the baby knows not to utter a word. With this silent prayer meditation, she stretches her arms wide to hover some distance around the flames, and then draws them in to carry the light and warmth into the universe. One, two, three times, she invites the Shabbat angels into her home for blessings of peace. Then, she tilts her head downwards, lowers her eyelids and buries her face inside her hands. A small whispered muffle can be heard under her hands as she recites the blessing. With this…she is now face to face with her Creator.
-Of Candles and Creation

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Havdalah Halachah

by torahgirl

When does Shabbat end? Is it when the sun goes down? When you can see three stars? The moment the havdalah candle is extinguished? This is a tricky question. But does it matter exactly when Shabbat ends? Is it enough to say “Saturday night”?

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